Huckleberry Salad Recipes

What are they having for dinner?: Easter Dinner By Raspberry And Huckleberry salad. This stuff is amazing and Ryan says it’s basically dessert. You can substitute blackberries or blueberries for huckleberries if you need to. My grandma says she’s also done cherries with it and they were great. … Huckleberry Fruit Salad 1 1/2 C […]


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Huckleberry Salad Dressing and Dipping Sauce

This recipe come from my friend, Kris, who owns and operates Greenbriar Inn, Coeur d Alene — home of Wildbeary products. Try this dressing on spinach salad (using avocado, kiwi, mandarin oranges and toasted almonds): 1 cup salad oil 2/3 cup Wildbeary Huckleberry Vinegar 2/3 cup Chili 1 tablespoon Soya (soy sauce) 1/2 tablespoon Tabasco […]


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Huckleberry Chicken Salad

This week’s recipe comes from our favorite cookbook: Huckleberry Cookbook by Alex and Stephanie Hester 2 cups cooked chicken breasts, cubed 1/2 cup sliced green onions (scallions) 3/4 cup diagonally sliced celery 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 1/2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped 2 teaspoons poppy seeds 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup fresh […]


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