From the reports, some areas are experiencing an early crop of huckleberries. Great news for huckleberry enthusiasts! Maybe this year will compensate for the poor crops the last few years! With folks out foraging, I thought I would remind everyone to be kind while you are out picking: Take care with the huckleberry patches. Be […]
Are you ready for huckleberry season? Huckleberry picking rakes are currently in stock and ready for the 2023 huckleberry season! SPECIAL NOTE: The post-Covid SUPPLY CHAIN DISRUPTION has reached us in 2022, so we could not access the WIRE loop tine model of huckleberry picker/rake we’ve sold since 2008. At this moment, we are unsure when the situation […]
With huckleberries ripping and huckleberry hounds picking in their favorite spots, I am reminded of our friend, Roy Baldwin, and his impact on the International Wild Huckleberry Association. Unfortunately, Roy passed on June 6, 2022. He was Malc’s friend in college at UI, when the guys spent a lot of trips hunting elk, huckleberry picking, […]
Are you ready for huckleberry season? Huckleberry picking rakes are currently in stock and ready for the 2022 huckleberry season! SPECIAL NOTE: The post-Covid SUPPLY CHAIN DISRUPTION has reached us in 2022, so we cannot access the WIRE loop tine model of huckleberry picker/rake we’ve sold since 2008. At this moment, we are unsure when the situation will […]
Despite the hot temperatures in the Pacific Northwest, we are hearing that the huckleberries are beginning to ripen. Depending on where you live and pick, you might want to start searching around your area or your favorite patches to see how they are doing. In the meantime, enjoy some random fun huckleberry facts (Some taken […]
Commercial huckleberry pickers tend to get a bad rap. After all, they are picking our berries. But are they? Let’s look at another side of the issue of commercial huckleberry picker published on the Flathead Beacon website. The Pickers Jim, a grizzled 63-year-old commercial huckleberry picker, cracks his second 16-ounce can of Budweiser of the […]
If you are out picking huckleberries (or been out picking), I am sure you understand all the necessary preparation needed before you head out into your favorite picking spot. But have you heard some of the fun huckleberry stories? I found this article, Up front: Keep your friends close and your huckleberries closer by Kathy […]
Warnings are being posted in the Pacific Northwest huckleberry areas reminding pickers that bears eat wild huckleberries too! With so many pickers in the bear’s habitat, precautions should be discussed before going out to pick at your favorite huckleberry picking spot. One such encounter was reported by the Fairfield Sun Times: (In West Glacier, Montana,) […]
With the picking season in full swing, there are dozens of articles about finding and picking huckleberries. Here is a summary of the best ‘Huckleberries in the News’ I found: From The Independent in Chewelah, Washington: HUCKLEBERRIES: A Berry Good Time TIME TO GET PICKING: Huckleberry season is upon us in Stevens County… You might remember […]
When we see a good huckleberry season, we see more bears in the patches and more bear alerts in the news. A few weeks back, this site posted a story on Protecting Grizzlies in Huckleberry Country. Here are a couple of updates on bears in huckleberry patches. This first one was published on the Creston […]