With New Year’s Eve coming up very soon, the following recipe for a huckleberry vodka drink would be perfect! The recipe was originally posted on the Glitter ‘N’ Spice website. Read the full article and recipe here
With Christmas and New Years right around the corner, a special huckleberry drink would round out your special meal perfectly. This recipe is from The Rowdy Baker Make sure to check out the original recipe and more goodies from The Rowdy Baker
Since I live in Idaho, I love to share Idaho huckleberry recipes. This particular recipe is from Kita Roberts’ blog: Pass the Sushi! A fresh mix of Idaho’s signature huckleberry plant blended three ways with local vodka and a splash of limoncello. The Huckleberry Lemonade Cocktail is a fun twist to celebrate a state.
Huckleberry juice and ‘shrub’ make wonderful adult drinks. This recipe, orignially posted on the Use Real Butter website, sounded especially appealing on these warm summer days! Check out the full Huckleberry Gin Fizz recipe here from the Use Real Butter website, including some other great huckleberry recipes! Some of the previously posted drinks, including adult […]
Huckleberries make delicious and refreshing drinks. Huckleberry and lemonade go together wonderfully …. but what happens when you add vodka? You create a tasty adult drink. I have two recipes you can try. The first is from my own home state of Idaho (where they grow and make these best huckleberry products!!) Huckleberry Vodka Lemonade […]
Huckleberries are wonderful and versatile little berries that work well in many different savory dishes and delectable desserts. One of my favorite huckleberry deserts is huckleberry milk shakes. Creamy ice cream matched with huckleberries creates a wonderfully refreshing dessert that you can drink! If you still have frozen huckleberries in your freezer, here is a […]
I find it fascinating to find all the different ways people use huckleberries and huckleberry products in their personal recipes. The following recipe is a new twist on the traditional Mojitos …. but before we take a look at the recipe, if you need huckleberry honey (which is one of the ingredients used in this […]
Our friends at the Idaho Statesman featured a special article about a bartender, in the Boise area, who squeezed fresh huckleberries to make a wonderful ‘adult’ drink. He lovingly calls his drink the Huckleberry Hound! Here is his recipe: READ THE FULL ARTICLE Now, if you like simple recipes with as little fuss as possible, […]
With huckleberry season upon some of us, recipes are starting to circulate around the internet. Found two Huckleberry Mead recipes that looked interesting!! Should you try either of these recipes, makes sure to share how the Mead turns out! Wild Huckleberry Mead Shared by Tom Schwarting Recipe type: Other Batch Size: 5 Gallons Starting Gravity: […]
Huckleberry Vodka Drinks | eHow.com Huckleberries are sometimes identified as Alaskan blueberries, bilberries, whortleberries or red huckleberries. The huckleberry is notoriously difficult to … READ FULL STORY