Huckleberries & Fire, Part Three

Following is the third in a three part article on Huckleberries and Fire by Malcolm Dell aka Mr. Huckleberry Landscape activities that affect the development of huckleberry patches: 1) Fire suppression activities led to a decline in huckleberry patches across North America in the past century, by disrupting the natural fire frequency, and creating denser […]


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Interview with Dr. Barney, Part 2

A week or so ago, we published a written copy of Dr. Barney’s interview with Kristina Johnson who is a food and agriculture reporter. Here is the second part of the interview: 3. What ecological/human threats face the wild berries? Although the size and number of colonies are decreasing, none of the western Vaccinium species […]


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Interview with Dr. Barney

Although Dr. Barney is not currently propagating and growing huckleberries, he is still considered the expert on the subject and giving interviews to interested parties. We are fortunate to have a written copy of his interview with Kristina Johnson who is a food and agriculture reporter: 1. Where does domestication of the berries stand now? […]


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Huckleberry Festival in Mount Hood, Oregon

Announcing the Huckleberry Festival in Mount Hood, Oregon. According to Janet Eastman, writer for the Oregonian …. Huckleberry Festival Mt. Hood Huckleberry Festival and Barlow Trail Days has live music, storytellers, historical tours, a watermelon launch and other activities, exhibits, food and retail vendors, fresh wild huckleberries and huckleberry-filled treats. 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri-Sat, 8 […]


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