At this time of the year, we find lots of regional articles about huckleberries. This year is no exception.
Here are a couple of my favorites. Enjoy the interesting facts about huckleberries:
Helpful Guide to Picking Huckleberries for the first time
Huckleberries and Montana go together like peas and carrots. If you stop into any gift shop in Montana, you’re guaranteed to find a wide
variety of huckleberry-themed products.
Pre-made huckleberry products are great and all, but there’s nothing quite like a homemade huckleberry pie made with berries you picked yourself. If you’re new to huckleberry picking, you need to be aware that it can be very time-consuming. Plucking tiny little berries that are often hidden beneath leaves isn’t an easy task, but if you stumble upon a huckleberry patch, it’s definitely worth the effort.
Read More: Helpful Guide to Picking Huckleberries For the First Time
What Does a Huckleberry Taste Like?
Often used to make jams and syrups, huckleberries are the official state fruit of Idaho and a great way to add a sweet touch to your dishes. If you haven’t tried huckleberries yet, get ready to fall in love with them!
So, what does huckleberry taste like? Huckleberries have a sweet, tart taste, with certain varieties sweeter and tarter than the others. They are often compared to blueberries and have a somewhat similar flavor and appearance.
Read on to find out more about how the taste of huckleberries varies between the different colors, how it compares to similar fruits like blueberries, and much more!
Jan Smigaj’s famous huckleberry pie raises thousands for Marysville each year
Would you ever pay $1,000 for a pie? Well, for Jan Smigaj’s famous huckleberry pie at the annual Marysville Picnic, you might consider it.
“I told one man that I couldn’t make (the picnic) one year, and he said ‘That’s fine, just send the pie,’” Jan said with a laugh.
Marysville is about a 30-minute drive northwest of Helena. The town boomed in the 1880s and ’90s as a gold camp. Now, it’s a small community with several buildings on the National Historic Register and a historic steakhouse, the Marysville House.
Though I have never tried huckleberries but I know of a fact that wild berries native to a place is always beneficial to the health of the locals. They are healthy and delicious as hell.