Shorter and cooler days marks the end of the huckleberry picking season. We’ve heard a few stories about a few late patches of huckleberries here and there, but I suspect, with the first frosts in some area, they are gone for the year.
So now, what are you gonna do with the huckleberries you have picked and probably frozen for the year?
The most popular use for huckleberries is jam.
We have numerous recipes for Huckleberry Jam and Preserves in our archived posts. Some of the interesting and delicious recipes include:
- Huckleberry Marmalade
- Huckleberry Jelly
- Huckleberry Jam
- Huckleberry Lemon Sauce
- Huckleberry Topping
- Raspberry / Huckleberry Freezer Jam
- Infused Huckleberries
In addition, I found an informative article on picking and making huckleberry preserves:
Pumping up the Jam: Savor the flavor of summer with huckleberry preserves
But what if you love huckleberry jam, but did not pick enough huckleberries to make any?
Don’t despair! Our companion site, Tastes of Idaho, features several different brands of jam — all made by Idaho companies, so you know you are getting the best tasting products!!
In addition to our huckleberry jam, we also have some sugar-free, fruit sweetened huckleberry jams, if you are avoiding sugar.
No need to go without your favorite huckleberry jam with the recipe or product options listed here!!