Despite all efforts, huckleberries are scarce this time of the year. Even if you spent last summer, hiking on the hillsides looking for huckleberries, your stash may be depleted. Don’t despair! I know of the best huckleberry product in the Pacific Northwest: Gem Berry Products! Gem Berry Products is one of the oldest Idaho gourmet […]
Nothing is more depressing than looking in your freezer and cupboards and seeing that you ate the last of your huckleberries. The new huckleberry crop won’t be ready for about 4 months — and that is if we get an early crop. Despite that, we just don’t know how good the huckleberry crop will be. […]
Looking for huckleberry products for holiday gift giving? Our sister website, Tastes of Idaho, features Idaho made products, including lots of huckleberry goodies for personal enjoyment and gift giving. Currently, we are fully stocked with our projected inventory of “made in Idaho” huckleberry products and candy for the holiday season. In your planning for your […]
Who would like to make Huckleberry Fudge for the holidays? Fudge is a favorite goodie this time of the year, but why not make it ever better by making it huckleberry fudge! Here’s a quick and easy receipe And, if you don’t have huckleberry jam in your pantry, check out the large selection offered here! […]
At the end of the year, I like to look at the stats of my blogs and find out the top articles for the year. So, if you are interested, here they are: Where to Buy Huckleberry Plants Originally written in 2009 and upated in 2014. Huckleberry Margaritas Recipe Five Margaritas from Top Arizona Restaurants […]
If you are looking for a delicious huckleberry holiday treat, try Huckleberry Jammers. If you read the story from Becky Sue on Baking the Goods, you’ll find that the poor gal nearly paid a small fortunate for the huckleberries to make these cookies! They call them ‘purple gold’ for a reason!! Especially this year, where […]
Huckleberry Jam Recipe By salman How to make Huckleberry Jam … 2-1/2 Pints ripe huckleberries, cleaned 4 Cups granulated sugar 2 tbsp Fresh lemon juice 1/2 tsp Butter 1-3/4 Ounces fruit pectin How to make Huckleberry Jam: Wash and crush huckleberries and place them, in a sauce pan. Combine lemon juice with it and stir […]
HippieDog : Huckleberry Jam….not so much….. Huckleberries?? a hound dog??? I’ve never tried a Huckleberry……and even though we have a gazillion in our garden, I just know I still haven’t seen or … Huckleberry Jam 8 cups Huckleberries 11 cups sugar 1 lemon 2 boxes pectin 1/2 cup water In large bowl add whole berries […]
Huckleberry Jam « Graceful Table By gracefultable Oh the joy of having a son who will pick huckleberries for you! Having recently returned from living in Ukraine for over 2 years, he wasn’t about to let them go to waste. Things are tough in Ukraine but they do know how to eat. … READ FULL […]
huckleberries « Willowbatel’s Blog Specifically huckleberries? Now before you start lecturing me about damaging the environment and stealing from a nature preserve, I didn’t steal anything, … THE HOBBY LADY: Huckleberry Crafts By Sandy W. Huckleberry Pie. Here is another Strawberry Shortcake Friend. You can download the .mtc file which is layered and ready to […]