I found this picture on the internet that made my mouth water …. ….And, I thought, how mean that they did not include a recipe!! So, for huckleberry cheese cake lovers, here are some recipes …. Organic Double Chocolate Huckleberry Cheesecake “Decadent delight is contest winner” From The Spokesman-ReviewKirsten Schierman of Spokane won the grand […]
Barbecue season is here! How about surprising your family and friends, with something to try out on the barbie grill? At Tastes of Idaho, we carry the ORIGINAL (and still the best) huckleberry BBQ sauce from Gem Berry Products. A beefy 16 oz bottle, that pours well, and is great on salmon, chicken, pork, beef […]
A huckleberry lemonade product, manufactured by Gem Berry Products of Sandpoint, Idaho is featured in the “Entertaining Special’ holiday issue of “People” Magazine, on newsstands now through Christmas (2013). Harry Menser, 82, and co-owner of Gem Berry, announces that their eight-year-old “Huckleberry Lemonade Concentrate” was selected as the sole Idaho representative for ‘People magazine’s — […]
Huckleberry picking season is over (the snow is already flying in north Idaho! *sigh*). But I know there are lots of you who wanted huckleberries, but didn’t get any this year! Don’t despair as I have an alternative for you! Tastes of Idaho has received a large inventory of huckleberry products — and will continue […]
Nothing beats huckleberry chocolates, but during the hot summers …. well, chocolate is just not a good thing to pack or take on a trip! But for those who love trail mix, Wildbeary has developed a Huckleberry Snack Mix. Like a trail mix, Huckleberry Snack Mix includes some healthy and wonderfully tasty ingredients: Roasted and […]
My very favorite huckleberry product is Huckleberry BBQ Sauce. And not just any Huckleberry BBQ sauce, but Gem Berry Huckleberry BBQ sauce. I have tasted a few different HB sauces, but none as good as Gem Berry’s thick tasty BBQ Sauce!! Huckleberry BBQ Sauce has the ambiance of a sweet and sour tomato based sauce […]
Since we are all waiting impatiently for huckleberry season, I thought I’d share some of my favorite huckleberry products with you ….. Huckleberry Spread. Gem Berry has created a NO SUGAR ADDED huckleberry spread for those who desire flavor but cannot tolerate sugar. The key to their Huckleberry Spread is the sweetener, Lycasin*, which is […]
Last week, my friends at Farcountry Press in Montana sent me one of their newly published books: “Have You Ever Seen a Bear with a Purple Smile?” Having an interest in anything huckleberry, I was excited to see what this lovely children’s book was all about … (well, of course, I knew it was about […]
When people thinks of wild huckleberry gourmet goodies, the first product that comes to mind is huckleberry jam — the most widely treasured and sought after of wild huckleberry foods… right after huckleberry pie (with vanilla ice cream) of course!’ One of the very first, if not THE first specialty food company selling huckleberry jam, […]