With Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, now is the time to think about ordering your huckleberry products for holiday preparations and gift-giving. You can purchase excellent locally-made Gem Berry Huckleberry products right from your computer! (You can also visit the north Idaho stores listed on the website.) Gem Berry huckleberry products are made in […]
I am always on the lookout for unique and unusual recipes that use huckleberries. I found this interesting one for Huckleberry Meringues. Of course, it was from one of our favorite websites: Use Real Butter. Check out the step-by-step instructions — including pictures.
Being involved in the huckleberry industry, we always keep our ear to the ground to gauge the success of the huckleberry harvest. Because we work with huckleberry producers, we are concerned when those producers are struggling with summer conditions. Last year’s crop seemed to be pretty good — going well into September. The cost of […]
Greetings to all my subscribers! You may have noticed that this email is coming via a new email provider called Follow.it. After using Feedburner for many years (and dealing with their shortcomings), the service is shutting down. I was fortunate enough to replace it with a new wonderful service: Follow.it. This new email provider is […]
With huckleberry season in full swing, there is still controversy around huckleberry picking rakes. To help folks decide if rakes are a good option or not, the following is a short history of huckleberry picking rakes and how we began selling them. Early Discovery and Use of Huckleberry Picking Rakes One of the earliest mentions […]
Huckleberry Hooch is a favorite huckleberry cocktail recipe. It’s bursting with fresh huckleberry flavor and perfect for warm summer days. Original recipe — with some modifications
Despite the hot temperatures in the Pacific Northwest, we are hearing that the huckleberries are beginning to ripen. Depending on where you live and pick, you might want to start searching around your area or your favorite patches to see how they are doing. In the meantime, enjoy some random fun huckleberry facts (Some taken […]
Due to COVID, many annual huckleberry festivals were canceled. But this year is different: Huckleberry festivals are back! When we were actively producing huckleberry products, we often visited and exhibited at some of the regional huckleberry festivals. One in particular that we loved was the North Powder Huckleberry Festival in North Powder, Oregon. Being a […]
Nothing is more refreshing and delicious on a hot day than homemade huckleberry ice cream. There are several recipes for ice cream but here is one of my favorites from the Country Living website Find more huckleberry ice cream recipes here
Huckleberry rakes are currently in stock and ready for the 2021 huckleberry season! Early reports look good for this year’s huckleberry season! Warm spring combined with no late frost (in most areas) is an indication of a good crop. Since we are right on the edge of the huckleberry season, we want to clear […]