Huckleberry rakes are currently in stock and ready for this season’s huckleberry pickers! Early reports coming in bode well for a good huckleberry season! Warm wet spring combined with no late frost this spring is a good indication of an abundant crop. The reports we receive show crop ranges from flowers to turning red, depending […]
Coffee Cake is one of my favorite baked goods. Tastes good for breakfast, lunch or dinner! Just the right amount of sweetness, without being loaded with extra sugar. Add huckleberries to the recipe and it can’t get any better. Check out the following recipe, originally found the Genius Kitchen website Sounds really good, doesn’t it!
In April, we shared an article about research ecologist Tabitha Graves and biologist Nate Michael mapping out huckleberry patches in Glacier National Park: Locating Huckleberries from Space. As an update, Graves and Michael’s research is also used to protect the grizzly bear population. shares the background for this research: Tracking where huckleberry plants live […]
I converted this recipe, that I found via Pinterest, from blueberries to huckleberries — much better tasting with huckleberries!! Find the original recipe, with more pictures, here Save Save Save
Knowing the location of a good huckleberry patch is the most valuable information an avid picker can have. But now, with current satellite technology, huckleberry patches can be located from space! According to the Blue Mountain Eagle article, U.S. Geological Survey research ecologist Tabitha Graves and biologist Nate Michael mapped out huckleberry patches in Glacier […]
Huckleberries are a favorite fruit for many — especially if you live in or around the Rocky Mountain region. But did you know about these fun facts: Huckleberries are also found throughout eastern North America and the Andes and other mountainous regions of South America. The fruit is versatile in various foods or beverages, including […]
Of all the recipes posted over the years, huckleberry pies — any kind of pies — are the favorites. Some of the recipes posted here are shared over and over again. Well, I’ve found another one and this one is a bit near and dear to my heart because it originated in the Lewis/Clark Valley, […]
Looking for huckleberry products for holiday gift giving? Our sister website, Tastes of Idaho, features Idaho made products, including lots of huckleberry goodies for personal enjoyment and gift giving. Currently, we are fully stocked with our projected inventory of “made in Idaho” huckleberry products and candy for the holiday season. In your planning for your […]
Huckleberry scones are not as well known (or baked) as other huckleberry goods like pancakes, muffins or even breads. So if you have never made huckleberry scones before, here is a wonderful receipe from “Accordion to Kelly” to try. NOTE: If you use frozen huckleberries, I would suggest reducing your liquids — adding small amounts […]
Shorter and cooler days marks the end of the huckleberry picking season. We’ve heard a few stories about a few late patches of huckleberries here and there, but I suspect, with the first frosts in some area, they are gone for the year. So now, what are you gonna do with the huckleberries you have […]