Huckleberries in Oregon

As the seasons whines down in Montana and Idaho, the huckleberry season is going strong in parts Washington and Oregon.

Wild Pacific Northwest: Huckleberries

Wild Pacific Northwest: Huckleberries

Oval-leaved Huckleberry, Vaccinium ovalifolium (photo by Ivan Phillipsen).

Of all the plant species that produce edible berries in the Northwest – and there are quite a few – huckleberries have to be the most celebrated.

The abundant, delicious berries can be found in the Coast Range, Cascade Range, and Olympic Mountains in mid-summer through early autumn (in any given area, the timing of fruit production depends on the species, elevation, and other environmental factors).

As the article continues, the author talks about the history of huckleberries and the Native Americans; how to identify huckleberries; and huckleberry picking tips.

Very interesting and informative!  Also, there is a link to the health benefits of huckleberries.


NOTE:  Unfortunately, this particular article uses blueberry and huckleberry interchangeable.  Both are different berries, but the characteristics are similar.  We always tell folks that huckleberries are blueberries on steriods!!

For more info on the difference between Huckleberries and Blueberries, check this link:  Huckleberries vs. Blueberries

For more information on the Health Benefits of Huckleberry, click here:  Health Benefits 

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