Huckleberries in the News — Week of July 12

Stories and recipes from the September Issue (#122) of Saveur Magazine

Huckleberry Heaven
by Christopher Hall

When I was growing up, my grandparents used to pick huckleberries by the pailful in the woods near Mount Rainier in Washington. So did pretty much everyone they knew. Given its privileged place in the popular imagination—think Huckleberry Finn, Huckleberry Hound

Huckleberry Crisp

From Saveur Magazine

This dessert can be made with either fresh or frozen huckleberries or blueberries.

Huckleberry Buckle

From Saveur Magazine

Fresh or frozen blueberries make a fine substitute for tart and sweet huckleberries in this moist, crumbly cake.

Stickman: Where Huckleberries Are
The Spokesman Review – Spokane,WA,USA
It’s fairly close and it always has (huckleberries). You surely don’t want to waste your time looking for them, you need to save your energy for picking.

The Mediadrome – Food – Black Pearls of Gold: Huckleberry Season
In fact, seasoned huckleberry pickers will tell you that one of the most important pieces of gear they carry are a large stick for beating the brush, …

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